Ken has represented me twice in the past. Not only did he deliver favorable outcomes, he took personal interest in why I was in trouble in the first place and sought ways to remedy my problems…. not just send me back to the streets. Great attorney and friend!
Attorney Reviews is a comprehensive online attorney directory of Certified Ethical™ attorneys practicing in Las Vegas, Reno, and greater northern and southern Nevada. Choosing an attorney is a very serious decision, regardless of the nature of the case. You should receive the best representation available, but it can be difficult to [...]
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Shocker, another Vegas Attorney is in trouble for stealing money from their clients.
Vegas attorney admits to stealing $300,000 from clients
Just so everyone knows, anytime we get a review of a lawyer, we reach out to the person that submitted the review and ask them to confirm their identity. That’s all we do. We do not show bias towards anyone. Recently I received a glowing review of an attorney that [...]
Las Vegas/Reno Lawyer Reviews
I ask that I remain anonymous but I wanted to share my experiences with Haines and Kreiger in Las Vegas. Here’s the e-mail that was sent to Thank you for your prompt response. I went to Haines & Kreiger when working with Citi Mortgage trying to get my mortgage [...]
Haines and Kreiger Las Vegas Law Firm review
I would surmise that the accusation of abuse wouldn’t affect the effectiveness of the State Bar of Nevada and how that really pertains to the people that use this resource. Regardless, it’s important to be aware of what is going on with this group. They serve as a resource to [...]
Former employees sue State Bar of Nevada overalleged abuse
We here at care only about changing the reputation of attorneys across the country. Almost every day I read something in the news about an attorney or someone holding a high position in the legal field getting caught for an unscrupulous act. We must all work together to make [...]
Ask your Attorney if they are Certified Ethical!
We received a very interesting e-mail from a client the other day in regards to Barry Levinson. This feedback prompted me to write a thorough review on Barry Levinson so that it wasn’t limited to one persons experience. As per usual, I start my review with Google and so I [...]