The man burns in 4 days! Please remember to be safe while you’re out there. Also, please keep in mind that law enforcement will be present on the playa. If you happen to get arrested or receive a ticket while out at Burning Man, it is important to know who [...]
Since we have a large ad in the yellow pages, we get a lot of phone calls with people looking for an attorney to help them with their particular legal situation. I received a call this morning from a person that had purchased spoiled chicken from a store and they [...]
So you want to sue someone?
I ask that I remain anonymous but I wanted to share my experiences with Haines and Kreiger in Las Vegas. Here’s the e-mail that was sent to Thank you for your prompt response. I went to Haines & Kreiger when working with Citi Mortgage trying to get my mortgage [...]
Haines and Kreiger Las Vegas Law Firm review
I’m not even going to say the name of the firm that is advertising this on their tv spots. I’m personally disgusted by this. Supposedly the law firm is bringing in tons of new clients as a result of their claim that they will help you with your mortgage. I [...]
Las Vegas Attorneys telling homeowners not to pay their mortgages
We get a lot of calls from people that have a legal question or situation and need some help. In talking to them I realize a couple of things. 1. The Yellow Pages is a horrible place to try to find an attorney. That is if you can even still [...]
Find a Lawyer in Reno
I would surmise that the accusation of abuse wouldn’t affect the effectiveness of the State Bar of Nevada and how that really pertains to the people that use this resource. Regardless, it’s important to be aware of what is going on with this group. They serve as a resource to [...]
Former employees sue State Bar of Nevada overalleged abuse, LLC is proud to announce that we have expanded our portfolio of services for lawyers in Reno and Las Vegas. We now can offer website design, search engine optimization, social media integration, reputation management, Google Places, Pay Per Click and video creation/optimization. If you’re an attorney and would like [...]
Internet Marketing for Attorneys | Lawyer Websites
I’ve received quite a few calls lately with questions about whether or not an employer can be sued for firing someone without any notice. I’m not an attorney so this can’t be accepted as legal advice but the short answer is often times no. Nevada is an employer-at-will state. That [...]