Criminal Lawyer Reno- Kenneth Stover Review 1

So I’ve been hearing ads on the radio lately for Ken Stover in Reno so I thought I would take a moment and do a review of him. He is a criminal attorney based in Reno with the emphasis on DUI from what I can tell. I start the process by putting his name into Google. The first result is his website of which doesn’t seem to work. Not a good way to start. I see that there is another website listed for him Who knows why one works and one doesn’t but at least we found him. I click on his website and there is a nice picture of him. I also see a video link and after clicking on it I see that it is a 9 minute video done by myduiattorney, or something like that. I’m not planning on watching a 9 minute video and I doubt anyone else is either. They say that a website has about 7 seconds to catch your attention or you move on. I’m moving on since I want to see what Mr. Stover is really all about. Back to Google where I see that he has a website which means that obviously he was running for Washoe County District Attorney in 2010. Since he is running radio ads I’m assuming that he didn’t win.

I continue to look at the Google listings and don’t see much other than lame sites that have him listed but no other good information. I’m telling you my whole process in the hopes that you will do just as thorough of a search if you really think he’s the right attorney for you. I now turn to since they list ethical attorneys and you can check to see if they are ethical or not. I put his name in and it says that he isn’t in their database. Next I turn to the Reno Gazette Journal website ( and do a search of his name. Not much comes up other than he represented some high profile cases, one being a woman who had smoked marijuana and then drove only to crash into and kill a cop in Reno. She was given a very light sentence even though the offense was very serious. Other than that I don’t find much. I then go back to Google and type in Lawyer Reviews. The first site that I recognize is that of I’ll put a post about sometime soon. Basically it’s a joke and I’ll explain why later. I put his name in and nothing comes up. I then turn to which I think is somewhat of a reputable site, even though it’s attorneys rating attorneys which means that friends and cronies rating each other. I put his name in and nothing shows up. I’m a bit surprised at this since I know that a majority of attorneys have a rating of some kind in martindale. My research comes up empty I’m afraid. I’m hoping that some people can provide me some good reviews of him via the comments page of this blog post. Please let me know if you have dealt with him or not. I just wonder if he hasn’t had that many clients and that’s always a red flag.

  • shiera

    I had a frivolous charge, misdemeanor. Ken explained my rights very clearly, set my mind at ease. He explained the worse case scenario, what he knew he could get me and that he would try for dismissal of charges. He never promised the miracles and I appreciated his straight up approach. He is well known in the system (for good reasons) and a great lawyer, he has been doing this a long time and you can tell. I was able to put my trust in him and relax. He ended up getting my charges dismissed. I’m very grateful cause this charge could have ruined my life and made my degree worthless.