- User Agreement

User Agreement™ / LawGuide™ Terms and Conditions of Use

  • All attorneys or law firms (singularly and collectively "Attorney" or "Attorneys") listed on the™ website, which includes LawGuide™ (singularly and collectively "Website") are members of a local bar association ("Bar Association") partnering with, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company (", LLC" or "™ or "AttorneyGuide").
  • By using this Website, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions, do not use this Website., LLC may revise and update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued usage of the Website will signify that you accept those changes.
  •™ has determined that each attorney listed on the website warrants certification as being "Ethical" because they have no history of disciplinary action against them by the Nevada State Bar. AttorneyGuide reviews each attorney's disciplinary status every sixty (60) days to ensure that AttorneyGuide's certification is current. No Bar Association or AttorneyGuide, nor any agent thereof, has certified any Attorney on this Website as a specialist or as an expert. Anyone considering hiring an Attorney should independently investigate the Attorney's credentials and ability. The hiring of an Attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements or directories. Before you decide, ask the Attorney to send you free written information about his/her qualifications and experience.
  • The Attorneys pay a fee to have their information published by area of practice. All areas of practice listed by the Attorneys are selected by the Attorneys and not by the Bar Association or™.  The Bar Association and™ do not recommend nor endorse the services of those listed, nor does the omission of other Attorneys from this Website imply a negative assessment, nor any evaluation or recommendation whatsoever.
  • Nothing in this Website should be relied upon as legal advice. The information on this Website has been supplied by the Attorneys listed, and neither the Bar Association nor™ has reviewed, investigated or evaluated the accuracy or completeness of the information, or the qualifications or competency of those listed. The Bar Association and™, and their individual or entity members, officers, employees, managers, contractors, sub-contractors and affiliates, hereby disclaim any and all responsibility or liability claimed to have arisen from alleged reliance upon the information contained in this Website.
  • The information contained on this Website regarding Attorneys is obtained exclusively from questionnaires completed by the Attorneys and signed under penalty of perjury, and is only purported to be current at the time of such signature. Any Attorney presenting any false or misleading information on this site is subject to discipline by the State Bar of their respective jurisdiction, including possible suspension or permanent loss of their license to practice law.
  • The legal information and legal resource links contained on this Website ("Website" includes both™ and LawGuide™) are for educational purposes only and cannot substitute for the advice of an attorney licensed to practice law. Even if you think the information on this site has helped to answer your question(s), the law is frequently much more complicated than it may appear from your own research.
  • Wherever an Attorney on this Website has indicated that their fee is contingent on a successful outcome or that their fee will be a percentage of the recovery achieved, you must also consider that the opposite may occur, i.e., that the client may have to pay the opposing party's attorney's fees and costs in the event the outcome is unsuccessful or that no recovery is achieved.
  • For an Attorney to claim that he or she "practices primarily in" an area of law, some states require the Attorney to certify that he or she devotes a minimum number of hours per year to cases involving that area of law. In addition, the Attorney may have to certify that during the prior year he or she has completed certain continuing education requirements for that area of law. Please contact your local Bar Association for further information on the specifics of these requirements in your state.
  •™ and LawGuide™ do NOT offer legal advice. These materials are offered for information purposes only. DO NOT ACT OR RELY upon any of the resources and information available in or from™ or LawGuide™ without seeking professional legal advice.
  • The transmission of information from™ and LawGuide™ to you is NOT intended to create nor does it create an Attorney-client relationship between, LLC or LawGuide™ and you.
  • The resources that can be accessed through™ and LawGuide™ are from sites that are NOT maintained by™ and LawGuide™.™ is not responsible for the contents of any such resources.
  •™ and LawGuide™ do NOT make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the use of the links or legal research materials provided, or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or adequacy of any resources, information, apparatus, product or process available at or from™, LawGuide™ or any provider of legal research materials found on the Website.
  • The information available on the Website is subject to revision and interpretation. Unless otherwise noted, we make no representation, warranty or claim that the information available here is current or accurate.™ and LawGuide™ are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the resources or information available at or from™ or LawGuide™ .
  • Reference on™ or LawGuide™ to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by™ or LawGuide™.
  • Use of the™ site and content is at your own risk. We assume no liability for or relating to the delay, failure, interruption or corruption of any data or other information transmitted in connection with the use of the™ site over any medium beyond our control and jurisdiction. Reliance upon any content obtained by you at or through the site is solely at your own risk.
  •™ makes no warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise with respect to the results contained herein, its quality or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall, LLC or its developers, directors, officers, employees or affiliates be liable for direct, incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from any defect in this material or its documentation. Specifically,™ makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the content, software, text, graphics, links or communications provided on or through the use of the™ site. We make no claims that the site is appropriate for access or use outside the United States. Your access and/or use of the site outside the United States is at your own risk, and you are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction.
  • You agree to indemnify, defend and hold, LLC and its officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers and licensors harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, losses, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by any™ party in connection with any use or alleged use of the service by any person, whether or not authorized by you. You further agree that any action filed against or otherwise naming, LLC, or any other person or entity connected with, LLC, relating in any way to™, this Website or use thereof shall only be filed and maintained in the Ninth Judicial District Court in and for the State of Nevada located in Douglas County, Nevada, and that Nevada law shall control regarding any such dispute.
  •™ reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to restrict, suspend or terminate your access to all or any part of the service, including the interactive areas, at any time for any reasons without prior notice or liability.™ may change, suspend or discontinue all or any aspect of the service at any time, including the availability of any feature, database or content (including the interactive areas) without prior notice or liability.
  • The names, LLC and LawGuide™, and their respective logos and all of their associated Internet and World Wide Web domain rights are proprietary and owned by, LLC and have been registered under both federal and state copyright and trademark laws and may not be used by any person, organization, government, agency, business or other entity, regardless of nature or type, for any purpose whatsoever without the prior express written consent of, LLC The name, LLC has been licensed to the Bar Association solely for use on this Website in accordance with the License Agreement between the Bar Association and, LLC.
  • No graphic, text nor any other material on this Website may be duplicated, copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the Bar Association and, LLC.
  • The Bar Association wishes to thank the State Bar of their respective state for providing some of the legal information contained on this Website, which was funded in part by the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division through a grant from the American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education.
"My firm has received much success in reaching the public and developing quality clients through ... The website eliminates confusion and frustration. We are then able to resolve their legal issues which results in a positive assessment for the entire bar." Shelly O'Neill, Esq., Reno, NV